besties ☮

besties ☮

Monday, May 18, 2009

we ♥ love bubbles,

we love gaga!!!


shoulder pads may come and go but a bff is forever, even when you’re not sure where your headed it helps to know you’re not going there alone, no one has all the answers. sometimes the best we can do is just apologize and let the past be the past, other times we need to look to the future and know even when we think we have seen it all life can still surprise us and we can still surprise ourselves!



Friday, May 15, 2009

Number one in our hearts!!

Congratulations to this years runner up on America's Next Top Model, Allison Harvard (click to see her myspace)! You may not have won the competition, but you definitely won our hearts!! We were your number one fans from the start and we have no doubt that you will take the fashion world by storm!! Congratulations!

kiki ❤ & jojos ☮

a wonderful surprise, a wonderful collection...

today my lovely momma bought me the cutest little summer dress designed by Matthew Williamson for H&M! now all i need is the tropical sunshine.
check out the rest of the collection its gorgeous, here are some of my favs...

p.s- i picked up the other dress as well hehe, i couldn't resist!!



Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ten things I learned last month...........

1. Nothing is set in stone
2. My room will not clean itself

3. My leather boots are not built for the rain (slosh slosh) so now I worship my rainboots

4. It is impossible to look cute in a baseball cap and t-shirt (even if they are pink)
5. Working on Robson in Vancouver is as entertaining as it is frustrating
6. Cupcakes will always put a smile on my face!

7. A good friend is someone who, even if you haven't talked to them for a million years, acts as if you see each other everyday!
8. It is incredibly hard to not shop, by not impossible!

9. Just when you think you have it all figured out, you realize you don't

10. Don't take life too seriously!! or at least try not to.............

Now I'm off to learn my May lessons!
Kiki ❤

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

it was all a dream...

a recent trip to punta cana with one of my long time besties, made me realize how much i love and need the sunshine, sand and tropical drinks! i wish to see and travel the beautiful world! i feel that i am my true self with the sunshine and the ocean by my side. i will continue to chase this dream....



dance. dance. dance.

one of our favorite artists lykke li was recently in vancouver. was a wonderful night fulfilled with dancing and inspiring tunes.

we heart you lykke li ♥


jojos & kiki

my new obsession, my creations!!

what else could a you ever ask for...

there is lots more to see, check it out ladies!



it all started when...

kristen and i first met in oct 2004.... we were both working at the river rock casino. although we weren't besties at first sight, it didn't take long for our friendship to spark. i cant remember the exact date but it was a work day, we were both scheduled to go to some random off site training program. our transportation to the training/our manager didn't show up! so what else were we to do besides take the day off and go shopping!! :) lol, a wonderful way to start a new friendship! not long after i had invited kristen out with a gf and i. bar of choice that night was the roxy YUK! haha, we still had a great night regardless of the hole in the ground bar choice. most memorable night of the beginning of our friendship soon followed very soon after. pre-drinking/dance party started at my kits beach bachelor apartment full of great memories. if i can remember correctly wine was the drink of the night soon followed by vodka!! destinations of the night were the cellar and the royal. cant remember to much besides meeting some great oz boys haha. after a long night of dancing, pizza from numero uno and fritz fries were to follow. it was then were our tradition started of great late night eats and the perfect spot to post up was found! (we still sit in the same spot to this day) a white wall on the cross streets of davie and grandville. our oz boys soon found us in our not so secret spot for more adventures. we got back to my place late late night, got into our pjs and it the hay. but don't be fooled the night was not over, we had decided that we weren't yet ready for the night to be over. we had walked down to our favorite breakfast joint for some early morning bennies. to bad it didn't open for another two hours! haha, we then decided that it was well worth it to stay up and wait for them to open. this is where our beach adventure started. i would like to say that we watched the sun raise but it already had haha, instead we played on the swings, in the sand and took pics. we then enjoyed our great zen breakfast with all the early morning kits ppl, im sure looking a bit ridiculous!! bed soon followed at 8 am, oooh the good old days :)

